Why Am I Not Getting Job Interviews: 7 Reasons Why

Why am I not getting job interviews
Common reasons for not getting job interviews include not applying with the correct methods, not tailoring your CV correctly or having a longer CV than it should be among many other reasons. If you are wondering, “why am I not getting job interviews?”, then keep reading this article and discover how you should be able to start getting more.   1. You’re Too Reliant on Job Websites & Job Boards  Most job seekers rely far too much on large job websites such as Monster, LinkedIn and Indeed or niche job boards, for example creative talent job boards or tech job boards. Although this is a good way to supplement the rest of your job search methods, it should be much less than 50% of your effort and definitely not 100%. Many would recommend job boards and job websites should be only 20% of your job search effort.   So, if you are spending more effort than that, it is a big reason why you may not be getting calls for job interviews. There are far too many people on there and companies get absolutely flooded with applications. It is tough to stand out, it’s not personal and although you can apply for tons of jobs, it’s not beneficial if no one is calling you back to interview. With the other 80% of your time, you should be networking to get interviews and applying directly to companies that interest you.   2. Your CV Has Responsibilities but Not Accomplishments  The next reason you may not be getting calls for job interviews is related to your CV, specifically your employment history section. Most job seekers make a huge mistake here in that they only list their responsibilities. This is not going to impress a recruiter or hiring manager because it is really just telling them what work your boss assigned you, not what you accomplished. Remember to start with bullet points and use verbs when possible such as ‘led’ or ‘grew’.   3. You’re Not Tailoring Your CV  Sending out more applications is not always better. What’s better is to send out 10 applications tailored to each of the jobs. Tailoring your CV will get hiring managers to contact you for interviews as they see your interests and how you are a great fit for the role. It generally takes less time than you think to tailor your CV too. In short, you want to re-order your CV to show the hiring manager what is most important to them. In addition, you want to ensure you add some keywords from the job spec on your CV, too.   4. You’re Applying for Jobs that Aren’t the Right Fit for Your Background  Whilst you do not need 100% of the job’s requirements to apply, you should ideally have about 70-75% at a minimum. If you are applying for jobs that you are not qualified for, it could be part of the reason you are not getting job interviews. This one may seem fairly obvious but some of us do not realise how much we need to match to the job spec.   5. Your CV Is Too Long & Is Getting Skimmed Over  The modern CV should ideally be short and easy to digest. Although it does not need to be one page, it should be a maximum of 1-2 pages. If you have only been working for a few years and have a three-page CV, that is a problem. Your CV is essentially a highlight reel and sales pitch to the company showing how you can help them for their specific role. It is not a list of everything you have ever done. Your paragraphs should only be a few sentences long and you should utilise the white space between paragraphs and sections. Ensure it is all well-spaced and inviting.   6. You Are Not Applying to Enough Jobs  You should focus on the quality of your applications over the quantity, however, one of the reasons you may not be getting job interviews is that you are not applying to enough jobs. Therefore, applying to some more jobs will increase your chances of getting interviews. So, put in some more effort and time.   7. You Have an Employment Gap  If you have a large gap in employment, you need to address it appropriately. You can list your employment in years rather than of months in your employment history if that helps. Alternatively, you can write a cover letter to explain why you left your previous job and how the issue has resolved itself. You can also take up the likes of a LinkedIn learning course to fill the space and reveal to employers that you are remaining active even when you are not employed. You could also do freelance work. However, just ensure that you are addressing this gap so that it stops preventing you from getting job interviews. 

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