Factors Affecting Productivity in the Workplace

Factors Affecting Productivity in the Workplace

In this blog series, we are exploring the various factors that impact productivity in the workplace and how it can be improved. Last week we explored the importance of productivity in the workplace. In this week’s article, we’ll take a look at factors affecting productivity in the workplace.

Factors Affecting Productivity in the Workplace


Workplace culture

The workplace culture can impact employee productivity. A positive work culture, where employees are valued, respected, and supported, can enhance productivity. Employers who prioritize building and maintaining a positive work culture that supports and motivates employees, are laying down the groundwork that leads to increased productivity and overall success for the organization.  Harvard Business Review states that “a large and growing body of research on positive organizational psychology demonstrates [that] a positive environment will lead to dramatic benefits for employers, employees, and the bottom line.”


Work environment

The physical work environment, including lighting, temperature, and noise levels, can all play a important role in boosting productivity. A comfortable and well-lit workspace can help employees focus and be more productive. A Kingspan Light + Air Report says that “We are only now beginning to understand the positive influence designing for occupant well-being can have on productivity, quality of output, employee satisfaction and, ultimately, the business bottom line.”



The use of technology affects productivity in the workplace. Technology that is outdated or not user-friendly can slow down productivity. Employers can ensure that their technology supports productivity by regularly updating and maintaining hardware and software and providing employees with the training and support they need to use technology effectively. Lancaster University research has demonstrated that “Faster adoption of industrial digital technologies can drive improved productivity, and there is substantial evidence that exploitation of Information & Communications Technology has been one of the most important drivers of productivity growth…over the last several years”. 


Employee engagement

Employee engagement is essential for productivity. Engaged employees are motivated, focused, and committed to their work. When employees are engaged, they are more likely to feel invested in their work and the success of the organization. The global analytics and advice firm Gallup report that “Based on decades of employee engagement research, Gallup knows that engaged employees produce better business outcomes than other employees — across industry, company size, and nationality, and in good economic times and bad.”


In the next part of this blog series, we will focus on strategies to improve productivity in the workplace.


Recruit.ie is a specialist recruitment consultancy and event organiser. We operate major recruitment fairsonline virtual recruitment events, the Tech Careers Expo, and Biz Expo Ireland.

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