Virtual Recruitment Ireland is the new form of online recruitment events and is an innovative new way of connecting employers and jobseekers. Like any jobs fair there are exhibitors actively recruiting quality staff, and attendees looking for exciting new career challenges. However, unlike a traditional jobs fair, it all takes place online.
Attendees register for the event and upload their CVs, which are distributed to the companies participating in Virtual Recruitment’s events. Candidates can share their backgrounds and work experience, direct questions towards the companies that interest them, and make online appointments to chat to employers during the event. All appointments are conducted via the web. Virtual Expos works on a mobile-friendly platform and it requires no downloads or heavy software installations. All candidates need is an internet connection and a browser.
Our events are free for all attendees seeking new career opportunities and allow jobseekers to connect with local and international organisations without needing to travel. This is particularly beneficial to jobseekers outside major urban areas, candidates looking to relocate, or anyone too busy to attend a traditional career event. With no cost to attendees and the ability to access the jobs fair wherever they are, our online events offer an easy and effective way to interact with potential employers.
For more information on upcoming online fairs, please keep your eyes peeled on our website:Â