How to Email Recruiters: Cold Email And CV Email Samples

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If you are sending an email to a hiring manager, there are some things to know if you want them to respond to you. There are definitely some mistakes to avoid when it comes to emailing recruiters. This article will cover how to cold email a recruiter, how to email a recruiter for a job posting you saw online and how to email your CV to a recruiter. So, let’s get started.  

How to Write a Cold Email to a Recruiter? 

How to reach out to a hiring manager to start a conversation: Your best bet is to make the first contact is a cold email or a cold LinkedIn message. You want to keep your message direct and brief and show that you have a specific reason for messaging this particular hiring manager. This will increase your chances of getting a response.  

You do not want to appear like you are cold emailing 50 different hiring managers, because if that is the case, then none of them will want to put the time or effort into helping you. Begin by saying something like “Hello [NAME]. I saw you recruit in the Marketing industry here in Ireland”. That way, they will know it is not just a copy and pasted email.  

From that point, tell them a big about yourself and your background and the kind of move you are looking to make now. For example, say something like “I’m a Content Marketing Manager over at Bloggs Social Media Marketing, but I may be looking for a change in the next couple of months, so I thought to reach out to see if it made sense to work together.” 

The next step is to end your email. Finish by asking them for a time to chat and tell them you can provide them with more information on the call. This will increase your chances of getting their attention and getting them on the phone to you. For example, say something like “Do you have a few minutes to talk this week? I’m happy to send a copy of my CV after that if it seems like a good fit to work together. Kind Regards, [your name]”. 

How to Email Your CV to a Recruiter? 

When you email your CV to a recruiter, it is best if you have had prior conversation to discuss why you thought to contact them, what you are looking for in your job search and much more. If you could email your CV to a recruiter, they are much less likely to put the effort and time into reading it properly. Whereas, if you email them with a brief note beforehand, they will read it closely. It is best to send them a word document CV over a PDF also.  

Hot to Respond to a Recruiter Email 

If a recruiter reaches out to you, it is best to carefully read their email first and respond with the information they have asked for. If they tell you that they have an opportunity that may fit your skillset and they would like to look at your CV, then you can send your CV right away. 

However, if you are not comfortable doing this yet, you can ask them for more information about the opportunity. If they ask if you are interested in speaking with them and you do want to chat to them, reply and say yes but also provide some times that you are free to speak and the best number to reach you on.  

This will avoid the back and forth and will impress the recruiter. All employers love someone with good communication skills. Therefore, this is a good way to show it from the very first message.  

Here is what you should respond: 

Hi John.  

Thanks for contacting me! The opportunity sounds great. 

I’ve attached a copy of my CV. Let me know the best time to talk and we’ll connect to discuss further. The best number to reach me is: 353 87 109 7744 

Kind Regards,  

Joe Bloggs 


Recruiters can greatly help job seekers to get more opportunities, interviews and job offers. They can help people to find their dream job. However, you need to get their attention first and be professional and direct in your message. This is the best way to get recruiters to spend their time helping you find a job. Use the advice and the templates above and you will get lots of responses when sending emails and cold messages to recruiters. In addition, ensure you have a professional-sounding email address also.  

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