How to Leave a Job You Don’t Love & Find One Meant for You

How to leave a job you don't love
We spend around 90,000 hours throughout our lives at work. Therefore, it is well worth finding the job for you. It is really important that you enjoy what you are doing as well. A lot of us stay in jobs we don’t love for fear of trying to find another job. Alternatively, some of us do not know how or when to leave a job and it can all get very intimidating. However, do not worry as this article is all about how to leave a job you don’t love and find one that is meant for you. We are going to give you some advice and tips for getting it right.   Recognise the Signs  Whether you have just entered a new role or have been with the company for a long time, it is vital to know when it is time to move on. The top three reasons employees are not happy are: not enjoying the work, not feeling valued by their team and not feeling a strong sense of purpose. If you recognise these signs, it may be time that you consider moving on. A great initial step is to begin thinking about what you are in it for and write down what it is that matters to your professional life. Identify what you feel is missing and begin looking for a new role that better fits what you want.  When Leaving a Job Is Not Your Choice  We do not always have the luxury of choosing ourselves when it is time to exit a job. Sometimes the choice is made for us. Although losing your job is incredibly hard, a forced change can be full of opportunity. People who find themselves in this situation often find a better fit or make a career pivot. Therefore, take advantage of your exit interview and ask for honest feedback on areas you can improve so you can find the right job for you. Remember to update your LinkedIn to include your latest experience and to show that you are open to new job opportunities. In addition, it is a good idea to ensure your LinkedIn network is up to date by connecting with your former co-workers as most employees get hired at a company where they have a professional connection.   Exit with Grace & Respect  If you’re leaving your job, exit with grace and respect for your current employer. Most hiring managers have re-hired someone who they have worked with before. Therefore, it is essential to not burn bridges. You should do your part to set the company up for future success by providing your manager with a minimum of two weeks’ notice and being respectful, positive and honest during your exit interview. Also, think about writing a recommendation for your former co-workers and managers that will display on their LinkedIn profile to maintain the relationship and keep the line of communication open.   Conclusion  Over half of employees feel as though their skills have been overlooked during the hiring process. If you are just beginning your search, take the time to validate your skills, learn new tools and become more discoverable to opportunities. Remember not to sweat it either as most hiring managers hire candidates who don’t match the skills or experience for a specific role exactly. To improve your chances of being considered for a job, demonstrate how your skills apply to the position, show success in your previous roles and highlight your soft skills such as teamwork and creativity. The best way to get recruiters to take a chance on you is by projecting intelligence, confidence and willingness to learn during your job interview. 

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