Job Interview Tips for Making a Good First Impression

Job Interview Tips
The most crucial part of any job interview is the beginning. This is when you get the opportunity to make a good or bad impression on your interviewer. Some recruiters say they known within the first 30 seconds or so whether the person will have a shot or get the job. However, you most likely have more time than that but it is crucial to make the best impression you can within the first few minutes of meeting your interviewer. Then, carry this good impression on throughout the duration of your interview so that you have a greater shot of getting a second interview and a job offer.   Tips to Impress Your Interviewer  Here are some easy tips you can use to impress your interviewer when you meet them.   1. Practice  Although practice may not make you perfect when it comes to the interview, it does help you make a good first impression. You can practice by reviewing the interview questions that employers frequently ask and think about how you will answer them.   2. Dress the Part  It can be extremely awkward for those who show up to job interviews overdressed or underdressed. You should always dress appropriately for an interview to make the best first impression.   3. Don’t Go in Without Knowing About the Company  To make a good first impression, you should never go into a job interview without taking the time to research the company. You don’t need to know everything just try to know as much as possible. That way, you will be prepared to answer any questions about the company and explain why you should get the job.   4. Make Use of LinkedIn  Beyond researching the company, you should see if you can get any other inside information on the company and its employees. Make use of LinkedIn to look up more about the company and their employees. See if you know anyone and if they will share some insider information with you.  5. Review the Job Posting  Make sure that you know as much as you can about the job before you do your job interview. Review the job posting and know exactly what the employer is looking for in the person they wish to hire. In addition, take a look at your cover letter and CV so you can be clear about what it is you can offer the employee.  6. Don’t Hide Your Enthusiasm  Job interviews can be scary and bring about a lot of anxiety and stress. However, don’t allow this to hide your enthusiasm. Show your enthusiasm and passion for what you do and what you would like to do in your next job. There is nothing wrong with letting the interviewer know that you love your work and are excited about this job opportunity.   7. Tell Them Why You’re a Great Fit  Don’t be shy, back up your enthusiasm with facts. It is not enough to say you have the right stuff for the job. You need to be specific and show your employer exactly why you are a great fit for the role and how you are qualified for the job.   8. Don’t Allow Yourself to Panic  Even if you have practiced and followed these tips, you may still be taken off guard by an interview question that you did not prepare for. Ensure you prepare for the worst and do not allow yourself to panic. Stay calm and remember it is not an interrogation, they want to learn more about you.   9. Follow Up After  A great way to make a good impression and show you care about the role is to follow up with an email message or phone call after the interview. You can write the email and say thank you for the interview, reiterate why you are a great candidate for the role and say you look forward to hearing from them. This will help you stand out as most applicants will not do this.   

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