Parent’s Leave Set to Increase for Working Parents

Parent's Leave Set to Increase for Working Parents

Some media reports are indicating that the Government has agreed to  expand paid Parent’s leave by two additional weeks starting in April 2024.

Parent’s leave is specifically for parents during the child’s first 2 years.

If the new rules come into effect, working parents will be able to take up to 9 total weeks off in the first two years following the birth of a child.

Under the current rules, new parents are entitled to 7 weeks off with the Parent’s Benefit payment from the Department of Social Protection. That provides around €262 weekly, the equivalent of standard jobseeker’s support. The extra fortnight will allow families to receive this assistance for 9 weeks rather than 7 after welcoming a newborn or adopted child.

To qualify, working parents need to have enough PRSI contributions to get the weekly benefit.

You can find out more about Parent’s Benefit here.

Parent’s Benefit Section

Department of Social Protection


For many, this expansion would be seen as progress toward better supporting working families, and aligning Ireland with EU and UN parental leave recommendations. It would also bring rules for parents closer to the 26 weeks of paid maternity leave already available to new mothers specifically.

The two extra weeks would be great news for many new parents and would be welcomed measure to assist the work-life balancing act when coping with a new baby at home.

Of course, some advocates will say policies could still go further, but it would be a step in the right direction and would likely have a positive impact on things like workforce participation, retention for parents, and workplace inclusion.




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