Importance of Productivity in the Workplace

Understanding Productivity and Its Importance in the Workplace

Productivity in the workplace has always been a hot topic in business and plays a massive role in ensuring the success and growth of any company.

Maximising productivity is an essential goal for every organisation and the right steps should always be taken to create a productive workplace where employees are motivated, engaged, and focused on achieving their goals.

Over the next few weeks, we will explore the various factors that impact productivity in the workplace and how it can be improved.

In this first part of the series, we’ll take a look at the importance of productivity in the workplace.


Importance of Productivity in the Workplace


Increases profitability

When employees are productive, they are able to complete their work in good time, and accomplish their tasks efficiently and effectively, resulting in increased output and profits for the company. Financial experts Momentum CFO say that productivity and profitability are two sides of the same coin. 


Improves employee morale

When employees are productive, they feel a sense of accomplishment, which improves their morale and motivation levels. Productivity is often linked to job satisfaction, as employees who are able to complete their tasks efficiently and effectively tend to feel more fulfilled and engaged in their work. Forbes has published results from a study that revealed happy employees are 20% more productive in the workplace than unhappy employees. 


Enhances customer satisfaction

A productive workforce can provide customers with better quality products and services, resulting in higher customer satisfaction. When employees are productive, they are able to focus more on their tasks and deliver products or services that meet or exceed customer expectations. Many surveys have demonstrated that higher productivity means greater service and value to every organisation’s clients and customers. 


Helps in achieving organizational goals

A productive workforce is essential for achieving organizational goals and objectives. Without a productive workforce, a company may struggle to meet deadlines, deliver quality products or services, and compete effectively in the marketplace. People Matters says that “For any organization to achieve its vision and goals, the collective participation and success of its people is the foundation principle.”


In the next part of this blog series, we will explore the factors affecting productivity in the workplace. is a specialist recruitment consultancy and event organiser. We operate major recruitment fairs, online virtual recruitment events, the Tech Careers Expo, and Biz Expo Ireland.

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