Strategies to Improve Productivity in the Workplace

Strategies to Improve Productivity in the Workplace

In this blog series, we are exploring the various factors that impact productivity in the workplace and how it can be improved. Previously we explored the importance of productivity in the workplace and  we took a look at factors affecting productivity in the workplace. In this week’s article, we will focus on a number of strategies that can be used to improve productivity in the workplace.

Set Clear Goals And Expectations

Setting clear goals and expectations for employees can help them stay focused and motivated. Ensure that the goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Quantum Workplace say that SMART goals can serve as a valuable tool to push action behind your overarching organizational goals.

Provide Training And Development Opportunities

Providing training and development opportunities for employees can help them improve their skills and knowledge, which can lead to increased productivity. Maryville University says, “Employee training and development programs are essential to the success of businesses worldwide. Not only do these programs offer opportunities for staff to improve their skills, but also for employers to enhance employee productivity and improve company culture.”

Foster A Positive Work Environment

A positive work environment can enhance productivity. Encourage open communication, teamwork, and a culture of appreciation. Forbes says that “A positive workplace culture improves teamwork, raises the morale, increases productivity and efficiency, and enhances retention of the workforce. Job satisfaction, collaboration, and work performance are all enhanced. And, most importantly, a positive workplace environment reduces stress in employees.”

Eliminate Distractions

Eliminate distractions in the workplace, such as social media, unnecessary meetings, and noise. This can help employees stay focused and be more productive. Business News Daily says that “employees can get sidetracked by wildly different things, and even the slightest threat to an employee’s attention span can tank an otherwise productive workday.”

Use Technology To Streamline Tasks

Technology can be used to automate tasks, reduce manual labor, and improve communication. This can save time and increase productivity. K3 Technology says that “technology is playing a major role in improving business processes and maximizing efficiency. IT solutions, such as automation and data analytics, can help streamline operations, reduce errors and waste, and increase productivity.”

Encourage Breaks

Encourage employees to take regular breaks. Short breaks can help employees recharge, refocus, and improve their productivity. By stepping away from your job for even a short time, you can reduce your anxiety and improve your productivity,” says Farvah Fatima, M.D.

Offer Flexible Work Arrangements

Offering flexible work arrangements, such as remote work, can help employees achieve a better work-life balance, leading to increased productivity. In the Gartner 2021 Digital Worker Experience Survey, 43% of respondents said that flexible working hours helped them achieve more productivity, and 30% of those surveyed said that less or no time commuting allowed them to be more productive.

Provide Feedback And Recognition

Provide regular feedback and recognition to employees. This can help them stay motivated, engaged, and productive. Betterup say that the result of feedback and recognition is that “everyone is able to reach better decisions, improve performance, and generally succeed in their role.”

Prioritize Employee Wellness

Prioritizing employee wellness can lead to increased productivity. Encourage healthy habits, such as exercise, healthy eating, and mindfulness. Corporate Wellness Magazine says that, “By prioritizing employee well-being, organizations can create a positive and inclusive work environment where employees feel supported, valued, and motivated to perform at their best. This sense of camaraderie and teamwork often results in increased collaboration and innovation, further driving business success.”

In the next part of this blog series, we will look at common productivity challenges in the workplace and how to overcome them. is a specialist recruitment consultancy and event organiser. We operate major recruitment fairsonline virtual recruitment events, the Tech Careers Expo, and Biz Expo Ireland.


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  1. Pingback: Common Productivity Challenges in the Workplace and How to Overcome Them -

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